Academic Year *
Student Name*
Email ID*
1. Please give a rating of your course on the following: *

5-Extremely Good

4-Very Good




Sr.No Particulars Rating
1. Learning value (in terms of skills, concepts, knowledge, analytical abilities, or broadening perspectives)
2. Applicability to real life situations
3. Depth of the course content
4. Extent of coverage of course
5. Extent of effort required by students
6. Learning value of Project/ Report
7. Overall rating
2. The syllabus was : *

3. Your background for benefiting from the course was : *

4. How much of the syllabus was taught in class? *

5. What is your opinion about the library holdings for the course?

6. Were you able to get the prescribed readings in the library?

7.The existing internal evaluation system is :

8. In your opinion, how much of the total weightage of a course should the internal assessment account for?

9. Is the internal assessment system conducive to (tick in the relevant cell)

Understanding the course
Difficult to understand
Interaction with the Teacher
Regular Work
Continuous Self-Assessment

10. The internal assessment system operated (give percentage) :
List of Courses Percentage Range
Food Production
F & B Service
Accommodation Management
Other Management Subjects

11. When you meet students who have taken a similar programme at other institute do you feel that your programme is?

12. Are you the satisfied by the Institute Activities?

13. How do you rate the student-teacher relationship in your institute?

14. How do you find the institute administrative offices?

15. Did you participate in any of the extracurricular activities of the institute?

16. What was the attitude of teachers to extra – curricular activities?

17. Has your time at the institute been intellectually enriching?

18. After leaving the institute how will you talk about it?

19. Overall Rating of the Programme (tick in the relevant cell)
Sr.No Item Rating
1. Academic Content
2. Fairness of evaluation
3. Interaction with faculty
4. Interaction with administration
5. Library Facilities
6. Computer facilities
7. Meal Facility (Lunch)
8. Recreational Facilities
9. Extra-Curricular Activities
10. Canteen facility
20. Do you get placement from institute?

Special Feedback for Online Lectures

21. How do you find online theory (In house & guest lecture) w.r.t structured and organisation : *
22.How do you find the online class w.r.t content & understanding?*
23.How do you find online exams based on topic covered in assignments and lectures?*
24.How do you find the effectiveness of online assignments ?*
25.How do you find the suggestion to use technology to complete assignments ?*
26.How do you find the audio and visual study content used by the faculty ?*
27.How do you rate interactions in online lecture ?*
28.How you will rate about the online learning methods?*
29.Motivation at offline lectures is more as compare to online lectures?
30.How do you rate revision in online lectures ?
31.How do you rate time duration in online lectures?
32.Network issue is not supportive sometimes?
33.Clarity of speech & intension are very much clear during online lectures?